What killed Reece?
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has been running a series this week covering the mysterious death of 15-year-old Reece Meikle. One day a happy-go-lucky, rambunctious teenage boy, the next day, dead in the ICU of an illness that no one could diagnose. Read more about the investigation:
Day 1: What killed Reece Meikle?
Day 2: Watching as the worst comes true
Day 3: From hospital lab to crowded wake, one question: why?
Day 4: Ruling out everything in search for answers
Day 5: Making peace with the unknown
Day 1: What killed Reece Meikle?
Day 2: Watching as the worst comes true
Day 3: From hospital lab to crowded wake, one question: why?
Day 4: Ruling out everything in search for answers
Day 5: Making peace with the unknown